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Step by Step Guide to Prayer
أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Islam and the Day of Resurrection (Part 2)

Islam and the Day of Resurrection (Part 2)

What exactly would happen on that day? Where will I be? Have you ever wondered about it? Have y ...

Islam and the Day of Resurrection

Islam and the Day of Resurrection

Have you ever wondered what would happen when the soul departs the body? Will life come to a fu ...

How Easy Is Islam?

How Easy Is Islam?

What did the Prophet mean when he said ‘the religion is ease’? Where is such easiness implement ...

Meet Aminah Assilmi: The True Truth Seeker (Part 1)

Meet Aminah Assilmi: The True Truth Seeker (Part 1)

Have you heard about the former American Baptist girl and radical feminist, who took up a missi ...

The Muslims between Hadith & Sunnah

The Muslims between Hadith & Sunnah

What does the word Hadith mean, and what’s the difference between Hadith and Sunnah? Where do I ...

Why I Decided to Submit

Why I Decided to Submit

Born Catholic Angelina learned about Islam after interacting with Muslims here and there. She c ...

How to Be Muslim and Modest? (Part 2)

How to Be Muslim and Modest? (Part 2)

How could we be of a true modest disposition? What areas in our character and life should be wo ...

Punctuality: The Norm of Muslim

Punctuality: The Norm of Muslim

How punctual should a Muslim be? Is it only a religious rule relating to prayer times? How shou ...

Islam, Marriage & Far-reaching Benefits

Islam, Marriage & Far-reaching Benefits

Marriage…What do you know about that sacred bond? What does marriage give to society, and what ...

How to Be Muslim and Modest? (Part 1)

How to Be Muslim and Modest? (Part 1)

What does the word haya’ mean in Islam? How does Islam define modesty? How does it relate to on ...

Practical Ways to Acquiring Knowledge about Islam

Practical Ways to Acquiring Knowledge about Islam

Acquiring knowledge generally is not a luxury, and about one’s religion it’s a must When ever w ...

For These Reasons We Convert to Islam

For These Reasons We Convert to Islam

We often hear the statement ‘Once you become Muslim, you no longer are the same’. Yet, how Isla ...

Spread Love and Say Salam

Spread Love and Say Salam

If you realized what impact the greeting salam could have, you’d live on that salutation. So, w ...

Women and Inheritance

Women and Inheritance

Why under Islamic law does the male inherit twice as much as the female? Does this apply to all ...

Islam…It’s So Beautiful

Islam…It’s So Beautiful

It’s my faith, my voice and my choice… These are some words from the new nasheed by Khalil Isma ...

Young British Convert to Islam

Young British Convert to Islam

How might be the feeling of a young person who, in deadly earnest, chose Islam? What might have ...

9 New Dutch Have Become Muslims

9 New Dutch Have Become Muslims

In a warm afternoon gathering a number of nine native Dutch announced their conversion to Islam ...

Converting to Islam and the Real Meaning of Life

Converting to Islam and the Real Meaning of Life

After becoming a Muslim, the whole life is no more the same. How? What implications does becomi ...

Prerequisites for Prayer

Prerequisites for Prayer

Prayer, that magnificent act of worship, has a system and format. Therefore, before standing be ...

Know Who‘re the Mothers in Islam

Know Who‘re the Mothers in Islam

Only when we see what Islam says about mothers and what status they have, we can imagine what s ...