Born Catholic Angelina learned about Islam after interacting with Muslims here and there. She c ...
How could we be of a true modest disposition? What areas in our character and life should be wo ...
How punctual should a Muslim be? Is it only a religious rule relating to prayer times? How shou ...
Marriage…What do you know about that sacred bond? What does marriage give to society, and what ...
What does the word haya’ mean in Islam? How does Islam define modesty? How does it relate to on ...
Acquiring knowledge generally is not a luxury, and about one’s religion it’s a must When ever w ...
We often hear the statement ‘Once you become Muslim, you no longer are the same’. Yet, how Isla ...
If you realized what impact the greeting salam could have, you’d live on that salutation. So, w ...
Why under Islamic law does the male inherit twice as much as the female? Does this apply to all ...
It’s my faith, my voice and my choice… These are some words from the new nasheed by Khalil Isma ...
How might be the feeling of a young person who, in deadly earnest, chose Islam? What might have ...
In a warm afternoon gathering a number of nine native Dutch announced their conversion to Islam ...
After becoming a Muslim, the whole life is no more the same. How? What implications does becomi ...
Prayer, that magnificent act of worship, has a system and format. Therefore, before standing be ...
Only when we see what Islam says about mothers and what status they have, we can imagine what s ...
How to maintain the five times a day Prayer, get away from laziness and procrastination? How to ...
Adding to its all unique characters, many distinct prophecies foretold in the Qur’an were alrea ...
Being a Christian American doesn’t necessarily mean being liberated. Learn how Thompson was lib ...
If I commit wrong, could you pay for my sins? If a group or political leader misleads their fol ...
Via his account on the famous social networking site,Twitter, Arnoud announced in Dutch his ‘Ni ...