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Step by Step Guide to Prayer
أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Islam, Muslims, and the One God

Islam, Muslims, and the One God

It seems, to some, that all Muslims are Arabs and the non-Arab are ’different’ Muslims; that th ...

German Footballer Danny Blum Converts to Islam

German Footballer Danny Blum Converts to Islam

Short-tempered, erratic and not knowing where to belong, this is was Blum before feeling the be ...

The Rights towards God

The Rights towards God

What duties do we, creatures, owe to God? What are the requirements of being Muslim? What sense ...

How to Live & Develop as Muslim

How to Live & Develop as Muslim

To be and remain Muslim is an unfailing process of belief and conduct. But, where does the cycl ...

French Director Isabelle Matic Converts to Islam

French Director Isabelle Matic Converts to Islam

A brand new life has been unfolding to rugby league star. What kind of life had he been living? ...

Being Muslim in America… Between Individuals & Institutions

Being Muslim in America… Between Individuals & Institutions

How do Muslims and Islamic institutions contribute to the ethnic and cultural diversity in the ...

Islam & Life’s Struggles: What Is Missing in Your life?

Islam & Life’s Struggles: What Is Missing in Your life?

What do you struggle with in life? Do you ever wonder what is really missing in your life, or ...

Spirituality and Productivity: The Prophet’s Recipe

Spirituality and Productivity: The Prophet’s Recipe

Spirituality and Productivity… are they a hard-to-reach combination? How do they go together? L ...

Make the Shift: Instill the Real Habits, Weed out the Guilty

Make the Shift: Instill the Real Habits, Weed out the Guilty

Are there certain goals, beliefs, or reasons behind what we do every day? What are the real hab ...

Zayd ibn Harithah: From Bondage to the Prophet’s Home

Zayd ibn Harithah: From Bondage to the Prophet’s Home

Giving Zayd the choice between staying with him or returning to his parent’s, the Prophet laid ...

Being Muslim in America…Between Diversity & Contribution

Being Muslim in America…Between Diversity & Contribution

Themselves diverse, how do Muslims reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity in the American po ...

About Prayer: The Second Pillar of Islam

About Prayer: The Second Pillar of Islam

Why is Prayer the second pillar of Islam? Performed five times a day, is it a kind of ritual or ...

Inside the Prophet’s Mosque

Inside the Prophet’s Mosque

Why are mosques established in Islam? What role did the Prophet's mosque play in early Muslim s ...

Religions Condemn Pork and Science Backs It Up

Religions Condemn Pork and Science Backs It Up

Many people believe that pigs are highly intelligent creatures. Some say they are smarter than ...

Abraham & His Children: All Parts of the Same Structure

Abraham & His Children: All Parts of the Same Structure

At each stage of human history no group of people were left without divine instruction. How do ...

This One Surah Is Mine…What Is Yours?

This One Surah Is Mine…What Is Yours?

We all get in touch with God through the Qur’an, the message for all and for each one of us. St ...

The Qur’an: To Start from the Beginning

The Qur’an: To Start from the Beginning

What do the first words of the Qur’an teach about God, creation and the Hereafter? What does th ...

Performing `Umrah… Quick and Simplified `Umrah Rites

Performing `Umrah… Quick and Simplified `Umrah Rites

Whether youare going to perform `Umrah or just want to learn about this splendid journey, here ...

This Is What I Love the Most about Islam…

This Is What I Love the Most about Islam…

What is your favorite thing about Islam? What thing do you love most about this religion? And w ...

The Slavery System in Religious History and Practices

The Slavery System in Religious History and Practices

Was there slavery before Islam? How did Islam deal with it? And what about the Islamic concepts ...