The Huffington Post asked Muslim college students about what they'd like non-Muslims to know ab ...
Needless to say, we all are Shahadah-event enthusiasts, but after their embracing Islam, how do ...
Boston College Muslim students are talking about how they practice Islam on daily basis and the ...
How do Muslims see the Qur’an? Whom does the Qur’an address? What does it reveal? The same mess ...
Of knowledge, modesty, straight conscience and path, piety, persistence in worship, and sincere ...
In pursuit of inner peace and a true meaning in life, and a lot of research about Islam, Alex P ...
Who was that Persian Companion of the Prophet? What was his story with the trench? How did he c ...
“I've been lost for 22 years. Today I've found my guidance to paradise,” this is how Easley ann ...
Throughout the history of mankind, God’s prophets all came to their people with a very purpose ...
Why, in the whole of history of mankind, is Prophet Muhammad the unique example of a ‘maker of ...
After doing a lot of research, an Indian Sikh man has finally chosen Islam. What had he been se ...
What does the word tilawah mean? What does it take to truly understand the words and messages o ...
It’s easy to say “I love Muhammad”, the man we believe in his message of mercy to mankind, but ...
How does the Shari`ah outline the purpose of man’s existence in life and all creation? How are ...
How many times have we been confronted with challenges or felt our faith weakening? As as Musli ...
It seems, to some, that all Muslims are Arabs and the non-Arab are ’different’ Muslims; that th ...
Short-tempered, erratic and not knowing where to belong, this is was Blum before feeling the be ...
What duties do we, creatures, owe to God? What are the requirements of being Muslim? What sense ...
To be and remain Muslim is an unfailing process of belief and conduct. But, where does the cycl ...
A brand new life has been unfolding to rugby league star. What kind of life had he been living? ...