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Step by Step Guide to Prayer
أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Why Is Allah Al-Kareem (The Most Generous)?

Why Is Allah Al-Kareem (The Most Generous)?

When we say Allah Al-Kareem, what is meant by that? In what ways is He the Most generous? Where ...

You Are a Muslim and Your Prophet Is Muhammad

You Are a Muslim and Your Prophet Is Muhammad

What do you know about your Prophet and the sublime characteristics combined in his person? How ...

Bilal Ibn Rabah: A Living Lesson on Human Freedom

Bilal Ibn Rabah: A Living Lesson on Human Freedom

The story of Bilal teach us the true meaning of freedom, that blackness of skin and bondage wou ...

How Does Islam Look at Polytheism?

How Does Islam Look at Polytheism?

What are the forms of polytheism? How does Islam look at them? What is the relation between the ...

The Two Words I Never Was Fortunate to Say to My Mother…

The Two Words I Never Was Fortunate to Say to My Mother…

My mother has been there all my life, never failed me once, never. And never once have I ever c ...

Zayd ibn Harithah: From Slavery to Commandership

Zayd ibn Harithah: From Slavery to Commandership

The fact that Islam came to abolish corrupt human relationships based on false and superficial ...

How Did Czech Miss World, Marketa Korinkova, Convert to Islam?

How Did Czech Miss World, Marketa Korinkova, Convert to Islam?

Having an unidentified burden on her heart cleared, finally, former Beauty Queen of Czech, Mark ...

EDC Wins 3rd Prize in Al-Aluka Competition on Moderation

EDC Wins 3rd Prize in Al-Aluka Competition on Moderation

EDC won 3rd position in Al-Aluka Competition as one of the remarkable online resources presenti ...

For a Merciful Society: Rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim (3/3)

For a Merciful Society: Rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim (3/3)

A Muslim society is a merciful one in which the rights of the Muslim upon his fellow Muslim is ...

Even Atheists Know God

Even Atheists Know God

There’s a kind of indirect proof from our nature, as humans, that we know God. Even those who r ...

A Scottish New-Muslim: I Converted to Islam without Ever Meeting a Muslim

A Scottish New-Muslim: I Converted to Islam without Ever Meeting a Muslim

How does a middle-aged, white Scottish man living in the Scottish Highlands end up becoming a M ...

Coexistence in Islam: Between Concept & Practice

Coexistence in Islam: Between Concept & Practice

How does Islam set the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims? Does Islam protect religio ...

Al-Fatihah and the Six Principals of Guidance

Al-Fatihah and the Six Principals of Guidance

What does Surat Al-Fatihah teach about guidance? And how should we seek to practice them throug ...

Khadijah: The Faithful Wife & Companion

Khadijah: The Faithful Wife & Companion

To the Prophet, Khadijah wasn’t just an ordinary wife. Khadijah was a sign from God to manifest ...

How to Maintain Good Relations with People

How to Maintain Good Relations with People

How could we have successful and rich relationships with people around us? What could keep our ...

Citizenship in Islam: Rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim (2/3)

Citizenship in Islam: Rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim (2/3)

In a previous article, we mentioned two of the rights of the Muslim upon his Muslim brother. We ...

Citizenship in Islam: Rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim (1/3)

Citizenship in Islam: Rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim (1/3)

What rights does a Muslim have upon another Muslim? How do they relate to belief? How do the Qu ...

Religion between Faith and Fear of Allah

Religion between Faith and Fear of Allah

What does ‘religion’ mean? And what does the element of fear have to do with faith or with reli ...

Because of This Surah I Became Muslim

Because of This Surah I Became Muslim

It began when these ‘so beautiful’ verses touched his heart and this is how this Muslim brother ...

Towards Becoming Muslim & Whole

Towards Becoming Muslim & Whole

It’s not such a bad idea giving yourself time and space to go back and look on your past self, ...