In this video, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explains the heart of Surat Al-Ghashiyah where Allah urge ...
Place your heart "In The Zone" with the intention of seeking from every moment that which will ...
In verse 8 of Surat Al-A’la Allah promises Prophet Muhammad to make things easy for him and giv ...
As human beings, we will never stop sinning. But remembering your place in front of Allah befor ...
In this video Nouman Ali Khan delves into the core of what it means to do "tasbeeh", to declare ...
Allah sends you reminders night and day, and sometimes those reminders are major wake up calls. ...
What did the Prophet say about `Ammar ibn Yasir's heart and faith? What's the story of the drea ...
In this video, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explains the second half of aurat At-Tariq, where Allah t ...
There’re three levels of fasting. The first level fasting from food and drink and intimate rela ...
In the final verses of Surah Al-Buruj, an extremely Forgiving and intensely Loving Allah tells ...
There is nothing more inconsistent than the heart, yet no vessel more important. Therefore the ...
Even the greatest companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) were vigilant about th ...
In this video Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explains how the state of believers in Jannah is contraste ...
Faith is supposed to increase and decrease, but how dramatic are your fluctuations? The Prophet ...
The idea that nature is this wild beast that Allah has held back is a recurring theme in the Qu ...
There is hope for the major sinners, as long as they turn back to their Creator. Allah doesn’t ...
When we stand before Allah on the Day of Reckoning, we will know what we had “sent ahead”: the ...
Ramadan with the Qur’an – Day 4: Surat At-Takwir (the 18th chapter of the Qur’an) O ...
There are certain actions that are so unbefitting of a believer, that belief departs from the d ...
Some people ask: Why do I need Islam? In his explanation of the concept of “istighna'” (feeling ...