In this Special Folder (All About Ramadan 1441-2020), we will focus on fasting and its related ...
Craig Considine participates in fasting with Muslims and explains how it can be used to spread ...
Willham Ott, the famous astrian MMA fighter, converts to Islam, stressing that the Corona crisi ...
To meet the challenges of lockdown in Ramadan, Finsbury Park mosque will be streaming lectures ...
What is the legal ruling regarding performing congregational prayer at mosques especially durin ...
At a time when Muslims are unable to visit their mosques due to the coronavirus outbreak, many ...
Joram van Klaveren, former member of Geert Wilders' far-right party, converts to Islam while tr ...
The Swiss convert to Islam, Nora Illi, died on Monday at the age of 35 after a long illness. Sh ...
Sarah Price, a Master of Journalism student at Monash University in Australia, converted to Isl ...
The Prophet Muhammad provided good advice on how to limit the spread of pandemics like coronavi ...
To help limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, covid-19, this article provides some Islamic ...
The coronavirus is a reminder to us all of our weak state. Regardless of our social standing an ...
The outbreak of coronavirus disease is getting bigger. So, can Muslims suspend the congregation ...
New Muslims, whether married or not, should be aware of the tricks of Satan so that they can gu ...
Canadian traveler and vlogger Rosie Gabrielle shares her story of conversion to Islam where she ...
Dr. Murad, who converted to Islam in 1980, has authored several books on Islam, including Journ ...
This is a documentary on Zamzam water, the best water on earth. It is mentioned in the hadith o ...
What is thanksgiving? What’s it truly about? Is it allowed for a Muslim to celebrate it? How? I ...
Muslim woman, mother-of-two Asma Shuweikh, hailed a hero for challenging a man who was hurling ...
In this beneficial speech, Shaykh Waleed Basyouni reminds and encourages people to deal gently ...