Every Muslim should know that ablution has certain conditions, obligatory acts, and sunnah prac ...
How can a woman distinguish between istihadah and menstruatuon? what are the legal rulings rega ...
Thankfulness is among the stations of those journeying to Allah… How does giving thanks contrib ...
This article talks about the life of our Lady, Khadijah, her qualities, merits and her help and ...
Muslims believe in all the heavenly Books including the Torah, the Psalms, the Injil, the Scrol ...
What does the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad say about suicide bombings or killing an ...
To lighten the burdens of travel, Islam allows its followers to shorten the Prayer during their ...
The article discusses the most common reasons why people may commit suicide or harbor thoughts ...
Observing the two supererogatory rak'ahs of the dawn prayer is highly recommended. The Prophet ...
This is the story of 'A'ishah in which the hypocrites wanted to harm the Prophet Muhammad throu ...
This is a very amazing story of Dr. Jeffrey Lang in which he tells his experience with the Grac ...
There are two kinds of purification in Islam: purity of the heart from shirk and ritual and phy ...
Women enjoy high status in Islam. However, there are some misconceptions.This article tries to ...
Islam provides a balanced lifestyle for women seeking the true meaning of perfection as it focu ...
This is the story of Um Salamah and how she and her husband were persecuted after embracing Isl ...
The article talks about another meaning of hijrah: removing yourself from negative and detrimen ...
I have been blessed to be one of those who have personally received the light and whose heart h ...
Prophet Muhammad’s messages on anti-racism are important in light of the unrest in USA. He uneq ...
This is all you need to know about the legal rulings on where and how to perform Eid al-Adha pr ...
By His wisdom, God gave preference to some places and times over others. For Muslims, Friday is ...