Fasting In Islam

Why I Spent a Day Fasting This Ramadan and What I Learnt

Why I Spent a Day Fasting This Ramadan and What I Learnt

Over 3000 Muslim athletes competed in the Olympics earlier this summer and at the same time it was R ...

Qur'an & Sunnah

Acts of Worship

Prerequisites for Prayer

Prerequisites for Prayer

Prayer, that magnificent act of worship, has a system and format. Therefore, before standing before ...

Step by Step Guide to Prayer

Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad’s Farewell Pilgrimage and Sermon

Prophet Muhammad’s Farewell Pilgrimage and Sermon

The Farewell Speech outlines five basic principles of the Islamic programme of action, two of them w ...

Muslim Lifestyle

How to Be Muslim and Modest? (Part 2)

How to Be Muslim and Modest? (Part 2)

How could we be of a true modest disposition? What areas in our character and life should be worked ...

Punctuality: The Norm of Muslim

Punctuality: The Norm of Muslim

How punctual should a Muslim be? Is it only a religious rule relating to prayer times? How should a ...

Islam, Marriage & Far-reaching Benefits

Islam, Marriage & Far-reaching Benefits

Marriage…What do you know about that sacred bond? What does marriage give to society, and what does ...

How to Be Muslim and Modest? (Part 1)

How to Be Muslim and Modest? (Part 1)

What does the word haya’ mean in Islam? How does Islam define modesty? How does it relate to one’s f ...

Practical Ways to Acquiring Knowledge about Islam

Practical Ways to Acquiring Knowledge about Islam

Acquiring knowledge generally is not a luxury, and about one’s religion it’s a must When ever will w ...

New Muslims' Experiences

Why I Decided to Submit

Why I Decided to Submit

Born Catholic Angelina learned about Islam after interacting with Muslims here and there. She conver ...